
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any question, no matter how quick, basic or general, about my research or the research questions I study.

If you want a copy of one of my papers, just ask. It can be an email with a link to the article and the word "want".

I care deeply about the general public's engagement with science, so if you don't understand something, I'm happy to explain.

I am also eager to provide mentorship for any people who consider themselves part of an underrepresented group applying to undergraduate or graduate school for a field relevant to cognitive science.

Archival publications

Conference proceedings

Conference presentations


Graduate Travel Award
Psychonomics 2024

APA Division 3 Best Poster Award
APA 2022

College of Education and Human Development Fellowship
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Wolfram Award
Madhacks 2018, MLH Hackathon @ University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dean's List
University of Wisconsin-Madison
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019


Doctor of Philosophy (2020-): Georgia Institute of Technology
Human Centered Computing
Advisor: Sashank Varma

Doctor of Philosophy (2019-2020): University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Educational Psychology, Learning and Cognition
Advisor: Sashank Varma

Bachelors of Science (2019): University of Wisconsin-Madison
Psychology & Neuroscience
Advisors: Martha Alibali, C. Shawn Green, Craig Berridge

Research Experience

Research Intern
Honda Research Institute
PI: Shashank Mehrotra (

Visiting Research Scholar
Intelligent Systems Laboratory @ Xerox PARC
PI: Shiwali Mohan (
2021 - 2022

Research Intern
Intelligent Systems Laboratory @ Xerox PARC
PI: Shiwali Mohan (

Research Assistant
Cognitive Architecture Lab @ Georgia Institute of Technology
PI: Sashank Varma (
2021 -

Research Assistant
Cognitive Architecture Lab @ University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
PI: Sashank Varma (
2019 - 2020

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Cognitive Development and Communication Lab @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
PI: Martha Alibali (
2017 - 2019

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Learning and Transfer Lab @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
PI: C. Shawn Green (
2016 - 2019

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Neural Bases of Behavior Lab @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
PI: Craig Berridge (
2018 - 2019

Teaching experience

Fall 2024: CS 7651: Human and Machine Learning

Spring 2023: CS 6795: Introduction to Cognitive Science
TA: Revamped the quizzes in addition to mentoring duties

Fall 2022: CS 8803 Human and Machine Learning

Fall 2021: CS 8803 Human and Machine Learning
TA: Helped Professor Sashank Varma develop a new computational cognitive science course. Designed homework assignments and helped with Professor Varma with course design.

Work experience

Research Intern
Intelligent Systems Laboratory @ Xerox PARC

Web Developer
Division of Information Technology @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
2018 - 2019

Digital Coordinator
Center of Religion and Global Citizenry @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
2017 - 2019

Technical Writer
Division of Information Technology @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
2017 - 2018

Technology Chair
Associated Students of Madison @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
2017 - 2018

Help Desk Agent
Division of Information Technology @ University of Wisconsin-Madison

Associated Students of Madison @ University of Wisconsin-Madison
2016 - 2017